Intimacy with God
Isnt this what we ALL want???? Well... let me rephrase.... isnt this what all CHRISTIANS want???? My immediate response is DUH!!!!! of course they do!!! Looking below the surface though do we really???? Believing in God is one thing..... having intimacy with Him is quite another. Look what happens to those who did have intimacy with God..... they usually experienced severe pain tribulations untold sufferings loneliness rejection wow sounds like just how i want to spend MY life!!!! yea riiggggghtttttttttttt!!!!! hebrews has a whole chapter called the hall of faith discussing all those in history who were heroes of faith......and who lived lives that sound more like hell than heaven but thats from a HUMAN perspective I posted about time the other day and how people in jesus spent it. I wonder if they would view our life in USA or europe or any well-developed country as close to being heaven on earth because we have so much ............ so many things that make life so much more enjoyable and less of a struggle yet how spiritually deprived are we??? Even with all we have as christians how much do we lack that intimacy with God??? Preaching to myself as much as anyone people once again all who stop by feel free to share as you so choose. Peace!!!
Robert, this is a good post. YOu need to get your butt out in blog world and let yourself be known, you have something to say and a concise way of saying it!
I just took a walk to the mailbox and talked to God on my way. I talked to him about how bad I feel for ignoring him and leaving him out of my life. I think I do have a FEAR of intimacy them stems from a fear of being disappoitned. I need to remember that God is NOT man and will not disappoint me.
Thanks for letting me share here!
well Im taking your advice and going to visit other blogs and comment hopefully ill become more known that way :) I do thank God He helped me find you you are a truly special friend and you help push me to grow and stretch myself so needed!!! Thanks so much for stopping by abd sharing my friend!!!
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