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pursuing the upward call with fear and trembling

just a 44 year old man seeking to share my meanderings with the world at large or the blogosphere at small

Saturday, July 15, 2006


Such a simple thing on the surface...... talk to God move your lips or do it silently by thinking inwardly to Him..... cant be any easier right????? I think prayer ranks up at the very TOP of the list many ministers,evangelists, missionaries and christians on a whole state as being tough work and something they wish was better in their lives. I wonder why this is????? Paul tells us to pray *without ceasing* obviously he means maintaining an attitude of prayer or inner running dialogue with God as seeing if we were to try and do this the common way all of us would be on our knees in our bedrooms and our world would cease to function because we all would be praying without ceasing chalk one more up for NOT taking scripture LITERALLY eh?????? *small grin*

Time is such an evasive thing we never have enough of it or sometimes its tooooooooooo much when we are stuck with something or someplace we dont want to be and wish time would just move on fast. I know for me I have so many times when i pray my mind drifts i have no idea why it happens so often though and other times I wonder where my prayers are i feel *stuck*!!!! is that due to sin needing to be repented of???? Areas of pride disobedience or unbelief???? Does God understand if we have certain habitual sins we struggle with for years on end sometimes free of them a long time but still they end up popping into play at times???? Just thoughts ive been marinating on this subject.

As always please do share your insights on anything you read . I love any and all feedback. Thanks for viewing!!!


At 10:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think your right on about prayer being an attitude we maintain. There have been times in my life where I actually did have an ongoing inner communication with God at most times. I even remember talking to Him in the stall of the restroom at my last job every time I was in there :)

For me, lately, I have not wanted to talk to God. I am afraid of what He might say to me and like a stubborn child I don't want to hear. So I go on my way feeling empty and angry instead of running to Him and saying "Daddy, tell me what to do and how to live cause I am all screwed up without your guidance!"

Thanks to your post, Robert, I think I will go do just that.


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