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pursuing the upward call with fear and trembling

just a 44 year old man seeking to share my meanderings with the world at large or the blogosphere at small

Sunday, September 03, 2006

He who began a good work in you

This is the first line in a very important Scripture verse. My friend janice is very fond of using this verse as a not so subtle reminder to accept He remanis at work even when we feel so down or unworthy. I often find that when my mind becomes clouded or muddles hard to focus if i seek to remember scriptures i memorized or sing praise sonmgs to myself the fog lifts a lil and God gives me glimpses of clarity wish i was smart enough to stay consistent in recieving the clarity alot more often!!!! LOL

The truth and power of the Gospel really are so basic and easy to grasp. I hate that i try to keep that focus and a torrent of *stuff* piles in, unwanted or asked for, and takes my mind and splashes it all to and fro... till I seek Him to regain balance and composure again. This makes me really thankful for the stability , constancy and unwavering solidness of His WORD!!! It's very *christian pc* currently to be filled with emotion and just let all that energy and zip just flood through us like wave upon wave..... that is all well and good and needs to be there because of the tendency to become stoic and keeping emotions reined in... BUT eventually they have to settle down and allow for a breather... Gods WORD NEVER ceases to be the rock of strengfth it is..... REGARDLESS whether we FEEL it that way or not!!!!! God loves us.... no matter if we feel it or not .and it seems in the Psalms anyway as well as many other places in the Bible people often DIDN't feel His love the kicker is..... it didnt matter!!!!!!!!! Because of the facr He remains unchanging as is His Word.... his love is there for us ALWAYS!!!! Feelings will come and go both positive and negative they dont have to CONTROL the truth of His Word!!!!

I have realized this truth for a long time BUt it just helps to remind myhself of it especailly when i focus on aspects of myself and life which tend to be discouraging or problems thank you Almighty GOD that Your Word IS TRUTH!!! Unchanging for eternity!!!!


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