More on physical appearance
I wasn't able to get all my thoughts down in the first post si i thought i would add more. Thanks barbara,karen and a thinker for your responses. Thinker you brought out an excellent point and one I was trying to get at in part of my post. Attractive people have just as tough a time as unattractive people do in many ways for alot of the reasons you shared. Just because others consider you attractive doesn't automatically translate into you having that same opinion. I want to add a caveat in that attraction is a very subjective dynamic as the old cliche goes .... *beauty is in the eye of the beholder* Although objectively there are seeming *norms* of how overall society at large judges attractivness and its opposite.
I have always wanted to discover who it was that came up with the phrase *sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me* and bind them to a chair, have a nonstop barrage of various people of all ages and gender just unload as many names and verbal vitriol as they possibly could and see how he views that idea after experiencing that!!!!! I was always a naturally well-built and muscular kid even at a very young age, it was pure lucky genes believe me.... i was much too lazy to work out that hard lol. I grew up half of my life in new jersey and was on a block with mostly older kids. As the youngest one i was usually singled out for being beat up or physically harassed anytime they felt like it or wanted to blow off steam. it was no big deal to me i could take almost anything they gave me and just shook it off pretty easy, but call me names and belittle me about my looks or something else that might have been a quirk in me I caved in faster than a speeding bullet!!! I always wondered why it was i had such a strong physique but so tender and soft a emotional base.
My whole point in sharing all this is to just have the whole subject in writing so i can reflect and hopefully gain from any and all of you who care to chime in. I am comfortable with my appearance now. I want to make sure i'm not coming across like i'm seeking to dwell on my hurt from having gone through what i did, far from it. it IS healing still to openly discuss it.
I'm sure more reflections on this subject will come across my frazzled brain in time and i'll make further updates then. I again thank those who commented thus far, hope to have many more pass through and do the same :)
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