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pursuing the upward call with fear and trembling

just a 44 year old man seeking to share my meanderings with the world at large or the blogosphere at small

Thursday, July 27, 2006

stream of consciousness

My very first memory is of laying in my crib looking up at a diorama

I had my tonsils out at 4 suffered WAYYYYYYYYYYY too many earaches :(

I loved chasing fireflies at night in jersey (west coasters have no clue about this)

We actually had a milkman deliver our milk in jersey wow

I almost got held back in kindergarten

i won *most improved student* in first grade!!!

I took a longggggggggggg time to learn to tie my shoes and how to tell time especially *quarter-till*


I loved catechism when i was going to it

I was scared of going to confession lil booth waz so dark i dont remember what sins i confessed I do remember saying the Our fathers & hail marys

I went to an all jewish summer camp cuz my mom was camp nurse and we were CATHOLIC!!!!! LOL

I loved the sound tires make when they go over grates llike the ones on bridges near water

I actually bought a winky dink and you kit to use on the tv!!!

Hmmmmmmm well just a few odd tidbits there add any fun or nebulous ones of your own if you stop ny and take a look have a good one!!!


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