I have not come to call the righteous
Jesus spoke those words when asked about why He hung around *sinners* as the pharisees accused Him of. The rest of what He said was that he came for those who were sick and in need not the righteous. I came across a wonderful lady who had a post on her blog about a friend she had known a long time who claimed to have a divine healing and afterwards began laying judgement upon this lady over all kinds of things basically telling her she was a sinner who needed to change and do it as she told her. Talk about seeing a speck in anothers eye and missing the log in her own!!!!!
I am a fully committed christian and seek to share my inmost heart on here issues i face i feel others might as well and various other things. I definitely hope I display the grace and love of Jesus in myh postings no matter WHO it may be reading or posting. I hurt deeply for this good lady i mentioned before she even sought to reach out in love to this person DESPITE how she was being attacked by her!!!! There are many things we can become passionate about politically, relationally,spiritually,environmentally ... you name it.
I am always humbled to see how many times people carry out incredible acts of kindness and love as well as mercy and justice even when not declaring Jesus name or God at all. Jesus and the Father LOVE us as WE ARE!!!!. They dont expect us to have it ALL TOGETHER before They love us and accept us...... Their love draws us to mature more and more as we carry on in life. I just had it impressed upon me to show His love anmd grace in even more direct ways hopefully in ways that can bring smiles and cheer to people and let them know they are incredibly special awesome people simply because they ARE!!!!
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