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pursuing the upward call with fear and trembling

just a 44 year old man seeking to share my meanderings with the world at large or the blogosphere at small

Friday, October 27, 2006

choice and force

These 2 words have reverberated around inside my head awhile now. Not only are they words but major concepts and ways of living as well. So many connotations surround each term. We are forced out when we are born, forced into a specific family, unless we are adopted in which case we are chosen by someone. Life circumstances may make someone feel forced to give up their newborn baby,they choose how to deal with their life situation in which they feel they are forced. Pro-choice is the anthem for those who experience unwanted pregnancy and many have suffered being forced by someone who was physically stronger and abusive.

Spiritually speaking we choose to believe in God and Jesus, choose to be disciples and followers of Him, yet case can be made we are forced into who we are by choices made invisbly to us behind the scenes by God Himself. hand in hand the 2 themes seem to be at play choice force one causing the other or being an impetus for the other.

I am not fully sure where Im going with all this. I have read alot of blogs lately talking about Gods faithfulness even in the worst of times, yet we need to choose to place our trust in Him. When we are at the end of our rope we can indeed be forced to trust God or to chhose to not trust Him. God created us with freewill so we could choose to love Him and have relationship with Him because we want it. yet, the separation caused by the fall makes it a challenge to God to somehow prod us with a lil force to even bring into our consciousness our utter need for Him.

I will ponder these 2 ideas alot more I really do love the fact God has made me a human who CAN choose and who can love I pray more and more my choices wil be to love Him and pursue Him in relationship day by day deepening my love for and trust in Him, with His guidance coddling mje along the way. i hope i made some semblance of sense here still a myriad of thoughts and questions, hope to hear some of yours as you stop by.


At 2:41 AM, Blogger Brian J. Buriff said...

In your post, you articulate well some of the dynamic tension of "force" and "choice" in this life. Sometimes we get those two mixed up and it screws up a lot of our "decisions" (ah, another "choice" word).

At 6:29 AM, Blogger Karen said...

We always have choices, it's whether they're good or bad. Even in the worst times, we aren't forced to believe but we're better off if we choose to.

I hope you had a great weekend!


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