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pursuing the upward call with fear and trembling

just a 44 year old man seeking to share my meanderings with the world at large or the blogosphere at small

Friday, November 03, 2006

emotional bonding

Heavy hearts today concerning the whole ted haggard fiasco. So many varied opinions inevitably abound, whether it be christians pagans or whoever. The timing is very odd considering how played up the whole anti same sex marriage bills have proliferated throughout the country. I dont know much about ted haggard but it seems he may have exuded a lil *self-righteous* attitude according to some posts i have seen surfing around the blogosphere. Hopefully he will be cut to the heart and humbled in a genuine way which will draw him to know and realize the love and grace of God in a much more profound way than he has serving as sr minister of a mega-church or being leader of NAE. I just hope he doesnt get dicarded and thrown aside as trash because of his fall. The church all too often not only shoots it wounded but also relishes in tearing them apart and making sure they know just how bad they are. *There but for the grace of God go I* really needs to reverberate within each of us as we witness this tragic event.

My friend barbara posted recently about so many wounded hurting people in the world. So many wondering where to turn, what hope there is, where is God, where is Jesus???? It made me think of the title of my post. Do we, as the *church*..... really develop emotional connectedness with each other????? Do we take time to invest so a bond can be formed??? I think the answer all too often is we dont. Our culture is a rapid pace *fast food* nation. Hard enough to manage to sit through a 45 minute worship service and possibly then an hour long sunday school class. We feel rushed,pressured,driven to hurry and get lunch, catch up on leftover work chores and who knows what. The *one anothers* of the Bible are so important in thinking about this lack we seem to suffer. Love one another, pray for one another,serve one another ,bear one anothers burdens,encourage one another and confess your sins to one another. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can you imagine???? Look at all of those man what depth of emotion in all of them!!!! What energy we could infuse each other with by carrying these out???? Fighting ourown sinful natures as well as the predominance of *me first* in our world..... sure makes doing these quite a challenge but hey Jesus knew we would have major challenges when He made us His body.


At 10:24 PM, Blogger Bar L. said...

You said:

The *one anothers* of the Bible are so important in thinking about this lack we seem to suffer. Love one another, pray for one another,serve one another ,bear one anothers burdens,encourage one another and confess your sins to one another. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can you imagine????

Yes, I can imagine it...how do we get it to happen? One by one.

At 5:06 PM, Blogger Larry said...

I'd love to see something like this happening... but yeow. I can't even get people to stay still for a phone call, much less face-to-face.

The one regular fellowship I have is on-line, with some friends. We meet in Uru every Saturday night for music and conversation, and have been doing so for more than a year.

And then there's the Weblog Fellowship.


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