Fun Questions
I am borrowing this from my buddy barbara as well as many others I'm sure!!! She likes to post interesting questions fairly often which help us all know each other better. I wanted to toss out a few which hopefully are fresh and new.
First.. what song would you choose to label yourself by??? can be more than one.
If you were an animal.... which one would you be and why???
if you were a cartoon character/superhero which one would you be and why???
I did this on NACR forum a year or so ago and it got a very lively response hopefully many will pass by here and decide to join in should be fun Just a lil on the *lighter side* :)
Song: (first that come to mind) Hysteria, No One is to Blame, and The Highwayman.
Animal: cat; they're cute, cuddly, and best friends.
Character: Crazy Woman... self explanatory... LOL
What about YOU??
My husband gave me the C Tomlinson song Me and Becky with pictures of us on the motorcycle for my BD and since then that song just describes me/us journey.....
I would be a squirrel....nuff said
I would be.....and Karen...I believe I AM CRAZY WOMAN.....!!
oh and Robert...nice to meet you thanks for the comment at my blog.
Carry on my wayward son- kansas
gorilla or big brown bair
the incredibke hulk i think it would be fun to be green!!! LOL
thanks for starting it off ladies!!!! karen nuff said is right!!! gee whiz............ bjk thanks so much for stopping in i really enjoyed your blog you are very open and good at sharing your *inner world* :)
Song: I still haven't found what I'm looking for by U2
Animal: dolphin
Cartoon character: Wilma Flinstone
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