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pursuing the upward call with fear and trembling

just a 44 year old man seeking to share my meanderings with the world at large or the blogosphere at small

Friday, April 11, 2008

Keep Gettin Back Up

Metaphors abound for this adventure we call life Thrills chills spills our fair share of strife

Are we in a boxing match, a marathon, perhaps a wild daring chase whatever it may be sometimes can be quite hard to keep pace.

Are we like the tortoise or closer to the hare are we speeding toward the finish line or caually approaching with hardly a care.

Dangerous obstacles veer into our path so hard to avoid them not wanting to be made into chaff

The journey never ceases be it morning noon or night so many days seems like we never get it right

Look straight ahead not to the right or the left pay close attention or you could be the victim of theft

Why is life not fair so much hurt darkness pain I wanted constant sunshine not this incessant rain

Beaten bruised battered taking hits to the chin feels like someone wants to make me give in

Cuts cover my body eyes almost swollen shut so hard to breathe and keep going almost down for the count BUT

Way off in the distance a glimmer so bright even on these shaky legs I can see a white light

High on a hill being mocked and deplored hanging on a thick piece of wood yes it is He the Lord

Mocked and abused place on public display how can it be He could ever be treated this way

If ever there was one to demand that God intervene come to the rescue and deliver be set free O definitely without any question at all it is He

However relief and saved by angels not was meant to be sheer agony tremendous suffering on that tree

He endured all He could finally taking one last breath pure heartbreak He had succumbed unto death

The entire world at once seemed to sigh why how no it cant be was the cry

He was the One who gave us all hope A real Superman meant for a crown

No way can't be no one can make Him go down

Deep waves of depression hung endlessly that day could anything remove or replace this dismay

Down down in the ground as bleak as burnt toast but hey now look at the title of this post

Yes He had been made to go down for the count alas never i say never was He close to knocked out He took the worst of all beatings God let it be

This One Gods own Son did it all to set us free

So when life becomes difficult and leaves you an almost empty cup

Chill think back and take time to just get back up

Hope this was enjoyable. I am reminded recently of the hope God gives me in that He understands i will get knocked down, over and over again, He just wants me to know I can always get back up---------- and He will be in my corner ALWAYS!!!!


At 3:05 AM, Blogger Tracy Simmons said...

Robert, this reminds me in some ways of Lamentations, chapter 3. The horror of life can overwhelm us sometimes, but then we listen for the refrain, sometimes heard so faintly: Your mercies are new every morning.

At 8:03 AM, Blogger Robert said...

tracy- thank you I definitely had the pslams in mind thinking through this I think they are lamentations very often I also had tony campolos story in mind Its friday but sundays comin!!!

At 10:59 AM, Blogger karen said...

I wrote about the getting knocked down and getting back up, once upon a time...kind of like those "whappy clown" toys. He helps us back up all the time. . .
peace and love, brother.


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