Not Me WE
I mentioned Muhammad Ali in a post a li lways back. I always liked him, despite his bravado and seeming arrogance he had a charm and charisma that just lit up a room or a tv screen when he was present. In a speech he gave once, i believe it was in Africa, he basically said 2 words ME- WE and then began encouraging a chant basically was about brotherhood. The evangelical community is very adept at coming up with buzzwords that make for fancy sounding usage. *seeker-sensitive*, *missional-minded*, *emergent* and the list goes on and on. Community is not new, it has been around the block and then some. it seems to have been getting dusted off and refurbished lately though. Rugged individualism isn't quite what it was all cracked up to be,even back on the wild frontier.
There is a huge exodus that has happened over the last few years from the TC aka traditional church. I have read many blogs discussing this, the reasons why and the causes which created the reasons. As one who has been involved in a few TC's since becoming a follower of Christ I get a sense of discomfort seeing this, because it shows that there are lots of things ajar within the confines of the TC. I think our model we base our services upon, the model followed by a majority of Protestant/Evangelical churches discourages true authentic community. Organ or piano music plays, Worship leader begins service with songs announcements are made, shake and greet time occurs,more songs, scripture passage read and prayer offered. Offering taken,sermon,dismissed. Communion occurs in varying increments as well. I think churches have ADHD, we try to make the Spirit fit into our determined guideline for how the service should be conducted and so He better!!!!
I attended a seminar at my church recently where the speaker was there to help churches determine what they needed to better serve as a vibrant force as a congregation and in the community they existed in. He identified 4 kinds of churches Healthy Missional- this church was alive,functioning well,carrying out its mission, had a sense of vitality and enthusiasm. Second type of church was the Stable church- this church has a motto- *we are just fine* they have lots of activity,people are serving, things are happening but they are in denial as to the problem areas they have, no one wants to admit anything needs to change, they dont want anyone rocking the boat Third church is called Critical Moment things are going wrong,activity not as steady, some people have left and not sure why, an awareness something needs to happen but not sure what. Leaders recognize at various times they are in a stage of critical moment and something needs to be done. Fina church is At Risk this one is in ICU on life support. Little activity, many have left,little hope for any new life,just waiting to die. The speaker challenged us to identify where we all thought our church was out of the 4.
I think this can apply to believers as well. Where are we and what can we do to get to healthy missional???? Nonchristians that may look on and wonder about this i think self-actualization applies, becoming the most overall healthiest person you can be. We had several churches at this seminar, and was so interesting to see most saw themselves as in between stable anc critical moment. The speaker was great, very dynamic. He also made sure we knew there was no *instant cure* No *God as a genie granting wishes* The answer we needed was and is in ourselves, with Gods guidance. Together, in community is where and how we would discover our answers. I think that applies to us as individuals as well. The *one anothers* are so widespread in the New Testament!!!!! I think the blogging community can often be a great place of carrying out those very things. I thank God with all my heart for the blogging *community* I have recieved His touch from so many of them, whether it be when im down,hurting,wondering,seeking,happy,excited,thoughtful or amused. i have benefited so wonderfully from so many people. Thank you all for being the Body as God speaks of, coming together to serve support and sacrifice for one another. Love is found here. Amen!!!
Amen to that Robert
well said ...and probably needs to be said over and over and differently every time...thanks
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